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Danh hiệu[BQT] Víp Clone

[BQT] Víp Clone

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.: Info :.

Evolution Soccer 2011 reinvigorates the series with the most advanced
set of improved game play additions, control options and to catch up
with the evolution of the real-life soccer. Central to its total
freedom of play, the game introduces a power bar for each player that
allows the user to determine the exact strength and placement of every
pass and shot. Balls can now be spread absolutely anywhere with
surgical precision, with long balls into space, short passes to feet,
and intricate one-twos allowing the player to dictate play and control
the tempo of a match.

This freedom of play is also extended via AI routines designed to place
every move and decision into the player’s hands. No longer will
assisted AI intervene during matches; users will now need to sense and
react to threats intuitively as opposed to chasing the ball; and
passes will not automatically reach the nearest player. Instead,
routines facilitate complete control both of the player and their
chosen actions in every respect to give the player sublime control
over every movement.

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.: Notes :.

Cài đặt , giải nén file Pes 2011 English , ra 2 file .img cho 2 file ấy vào folder img của Pes

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Tải về với Pass Là:

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